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Rixstep's Xshelf is like a 12 dimensional Rubik's cube of possibilities.
 - JR Washington

Dave Maynor discovered numerous critical vulnerabilities in everybody's Wi-Fi stacks. He notified vendors, and when doing his Blackhat talk about the subject, bent over backwards to hide details that would help hackers. To his credit, a lot of these bugs have been fixed without hackers taking advantage of them. However, Apple successfully exploited the lack of details to attack his credibility in order to cover their own asses. In other words, his attempts at ethics backfired.

If Apple want the research community to treat them better, they will have to treat researchers better. I suggest a good first step is that they draft a 'Responsible Disclosee' policy on their website that discloses exactly how they will handle notifications (such as pass them to their engineers to fix rather than to their PR team to cover up) and which promises that they WON'T threaten, sue, buy off, character assassinate, or otherwise intimidate the researcher.
 - Robert David Graham

Vista doesn't provide any other pagefile encryption, and will quite happily page banking PINs, credit card details, private, personal data, and other sensitive information, in plain text. The content protection requirements make it fairly clear that in Microsoft's eyes a frame of premium content is worth more than a user's medical records or their banking PIN.
 - Peter Gutmann

Leap-A will leave not leave anyone shell-shocked.
 - Mac Daily News

If I do ever want to play back premium content, I'll wait a few years and then buy a $50 Chinese made set-top player to do it, not a $1000 Windows PC. It's somewhat bizarre that I have to go to Communist China in order to find vendors who actually understand the consumer's needs.
 - Peter Gutmann

Service providers are constantly under attack. We are always monitoring for new exploits and patching our servers where applicable. There could be 100 different reasons this is happening that don't have to do with us - from weak customer passwords to vulnerable customer scripts.
 - iPowerWeb

Det var en utmärkt dag. Alla har gjort ett fantastiskt bra jobb. Mycket lyckat.
 - Christer Fuglesang

It's true you know!
 - Jim Hacker

Yes minister! Are you going to say that?
 - Bernard Woolley

Am I going to say that? I just said it!
 - Jim Hacker

I mean will you say that in your televised speech tonight?
 - Bernard Woolley

Oh goodness no! People will think I'm intolerant!
 - Jim Hacker

Weak passwords are not an OS flaw.
 - 'DD'

Attacks? When? Where? Must have been in a coma or does this 'story' come with a strong whiff of bull doo-doo?
 - 'Kid Plutonium'

First, list the so called attacks - not the ones created by software security makers that only work if the Mac is hobbled to the point of being barely able to run, but real ones found in the wild. My count is zero, how about yours?

Second, list the ones that (1) actually infected a Mac and (2) did harm. Still zero by my count.

Third, list the number of viruses found for Mac OSX to date. My count, once again, still zero.

Finally, list the number of 'OSX needs security because maybe, possibly, somehow but we don't know how, OSX may get a virus, the sky is falling, bad things will happen', booga booga Apple articles (like this one) to date: My count, at least a hundred.
 - 'azureblue'

Clearly you and Borrie are both liars. If however your [sic] stupid enough to actually believe what you've written then you should never be reporting these lies. Obviously your [sic] another security software company or Microsoft shill out there spewing your bullshit hoping to dupe the ignorant.
 - Ralph Tindle

WHAT!?! I do Mac setup and maintainance for a number of companies and individuals and have yet to see any virus in the wild. Most are just proof of concept examples. I do believe in security software when needed and had it on the Macs when they ran OS9, but since the release of OS X I have not found the need to do so.
 - Lantz Newberry

Another load of ZDNet drivel. What 'attacks against OS X in 2006' are you referring to? Perhaps people who write for ZDNet are so dumb that they happily tell total strangers their passwords? Maybe Munir Kotadia leaves his front door wide open with a sign inviting criminals to have a poke around his home? Or maybe this is just another piece of sloppy ZDNet journalism?
 - Russell Hall

If your Mac is in a lab at McAfee or at Symanetc [sic] - funny, then it's insecure - everywhere on planet Earth - SAFE.
 - jbelkin

You can't unring the bell but I will try to focus you on the truth here which is this: iTunes sales are leveling off; Apple are not in trouble - they make their money mostly from iPods, and iTunes is just a way to make that experience better. It's the music industry that has to worry, since the $1 billion a year or so from iTunes globally doesn't nearly make up for even the drop in CD sales in the US which are now down $2.5 billion from where they were.
 - Josh Bernoff, Forrester Research

I don't know how these guys can support Apple when they treat their customers like dirt and sell subpar hardware for exorbitant amounts of money.
 - smoger

I don't know if you can make such wide statemenets [sic].
 - blufire

Join the club smoger. I've had the very same issues plus I'm having a screen flickering problem. I've notified the guys here at Apple Defects of the flickering problem. We'll hear about it soon from others. Apple is locking threads on this flickering issue on their own support boards. I talked to a tech support rep and they told me all MacBooks between the 3rd and 6th months of production may experience this problem.
 - jimijay

I love the way OS X is 'not quite' UNIX.
 - 'Georg C'

I for one don't consider the iPod disposable like a cell phone. Cell phones are often free with the purchase of some monthly plan whereas iPods cost hundreds of dollars plus even more money for the music.
 - Chris Kierney

better see this one last time lol
Hehe that was so funny
omg did you see this last nite
what else is there to do on a Sunday?
whos coming to the party tonight?
You better not forget about this
 - QuickSpace

Allowing QuickTime videos to silently load interactive JavaScript content and commands seems like a pretty bad idea from a user protection perspective. Allowing QuickTime vids to be embedded like that in massive social networking sites strikes me as an invitation to disaster.
 - Brian Krebs

The law requires of Microsoft what it requires of all companies: that they compete fair and square. Microsoft did not.
 - Roxanne Conlin

I'm not sure how the company lost sight of what matters to our customers, both business and home, the most, but in my view we lost our way. I think our teams lost sight of what bug free means, what resilience means, what full scenarios mean, what security means, what performance means, how important current applications are, and really understanding what the most important problems our customers face are. I see lots of random features and some great vision, but that does not translate into great products. I would buy a Mac today if I was not working at Microsoft.
 - Jim Allchin (before the spanking)

Windows Vista has turned into a phenomenal product, better than any other OS we've ever built and far, far better than any other software available today, in my opinion. It's going to be available to customers on Jan 30, and I suggest everyone go out and get it as soon as you can. It's that good.

The spirit of being self-critical continues to flourish at Microsoft. Within Microsoft everyone considers it their duty to always put their convictions and our product quality ahead of everything else. That was the intent of my mail to Bill and Steve and I consider it a great example of how this company can focus and do what's right for customers.
 - Jim Allchin (after the spanking)

It's OK, Jim. Be honest about what you think: the Mac brotherhood is ready to accept you with pride. Show your true colours: you know your true heart is with an iMac. In a fruity colour.
 - Dan Warne

This kind of action by Apple suggests to me that they are aware of a known defect, do not want to address it, and are scared of the bad publicity that would result from a recall.
 - David Hudd

Subject: The way of the future-Howard Hughes once said. I am willing to release a politically/morally correct, fully adequite letter to the press if any of you are willing to help. Simply to state my oppinions on how our society should be educated on for the better of our country. Our people. Also because I have such an impact on our younger generations, as well as generations older than me. Which we all know and can obviously see. People are just mean. I am going to proceed with putting LR to court if need be for what she's done to me. Its my life. I want to live it. People cannot lie and think that it is okay to continue on having done so. Simply because they will do it again to someone else, and that is not alright with me. I have had many ups and downs, as do we all.

But to make false accusations to one girl is unjust in my oppinion. Having said this, I am willing to do anything I need to get my life the way it should be and the way I work for it to be.. And have thus far in my career. Let's sue the tabloids for saying the things they say. Defamation of character. Amongst other illegal accusations, I will repeat this over and over to make my point. I am not fully aware of what these, again, accusations are, but I am fully and eagerly prepared to learn them. Have harvey and all lawyers help me please. If he is willing. Al Gore will help me he came up to me last night and said he would be very happy to have a conversation with me. If he is willing to help me, let's find out. Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and Evan metroplis, and John Daur who works with them would be willing, if we just ask. If we just ASK. I'd really like to fix things and refuse to stop on any account for these unintelligent, vulgar people who like to hurt other people. Not just me, but everyone. I'm willing to hold a press conference and I will do anything necessary to do so. In putting an end to 'these people' trying to put an end to me and belittle me as well as try to be the demise of me after all I've gone through and done at such a young and tender age in a womans life. Its enough already, I've had enough and I am going to be the one to make a change. For all of my fellow actors, friends, people I admire and for those I've lost in the recent days, years, months. I do believe the focus in the world has misplaced and directed in the wrong directions and I am willing to be the one to help change that and use my celebrity status to move the focalpoint /(s) of the press to the real issues that we have going on as we speak. Anyone that is willing to help and has a family member or friend, even co-worker that is in a position to be involved in any way, shape or form, please contact me, Jenni Muro, Leslie Sloane, Michael Heller, Jason Sloane, Jason Weinberg as soon as you can or are willing. Just ask them, it doesn't hurt to ask. So let's start now, rather than waste time. Do you agree? Because I'm doing it either way. The way of the future. Thank you for your time. Your Entertainer, Lindsay Lohan Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.
 - Lindsay Lohan

The only reason the press go to Ballmer's pressers is for the same reason people watch car wrecks. He just might flip out and do something really awful. Ignore him and he'll die on the vine.
 - Blonde

Britney! As one of your biggest fans I implore you! Wear underwear! Please! For real... Please! And must you befriend Paris Hilton? Come on! Why are you hanging out with a talentless loser?
 - Tina on MySpace

Yo quiero Taco Bell!
 - Gemini on MySpace

Britney, panties are your friend. Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan are not. Please bring back the pre-Federline Britney we all know and love.
 - Jess on MySpace

You need to go home and TAKE CARE OF YOUR BOYS....... get away from the trouble makers........... the crouch shots are disgusting....... I can't believe that happened...... WEAR PANTIES..... Gotta love ya cause you are the bomb but you need some MOMMY Training.......... GO HOME TO YOUR CHILDREN AT NIGHT!
 - Michelle on MySpace

The introduction of UNIX-like operating systems such as FreeBSD and Linux for personal computers was a great step in bringing the power and stability of UNIX to the mass market. Generally though, these projects were driven by power users and developers for their own use, without making design decisions that would make UNIX palatable to consumers. Mac OS X, on the other hand, was designed from the beginning with end users in mind.
 - Apple Computer

From the file system layer to the executable format and from the high-level Cocoa API to the kernel itself, the lineage of Mac OS X as a descendant of NEXTSTEP is evident.
 - Apple Computer

Although it shares its name with earlier versions of the Mac OS, Mac OS X is a fundamentally new operating system.
 - Apple Computer

Bringing UNIX applications to Mac OS X can be very profitable if done correctly. Well designed Macintosh applications of years past are the standards of today. PhotoShop, Illustrator, and Excel are all applications that first made their name on the Macintosh. Now is the time to win the hearts of Macintosh users with the next great application. In a word, millions of possibly paying customers!
 - Apple Computer

A Mac OS X user should never have to resort to the command line to perform any task in an application with a graphical user interface.
 - Apple Computer

If I'm selling to you, I speak your language. If I'm buying, dann müssen Sie Deutsch sprechen.
 - Willy Brandt

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