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They got all mad and sent me a nasty e-mail. They said I should have reported this to Apple security rather than to the Washington Post. I told them 'I gave you the exploit - what else do you want me to do?'
 - Charlie Miller

The chickens have come home to roost for Google. Their arrogance and refusal to listen to friendly advice has resulted in the privacy of tens of millions being placed under threat. Governments and organisations are realising that companies like Google have a warehouse full of data. And while that data is stored it is under threat of being used and putting privacy in danger.
 - Simon Davies Privacy International July 2008 on Viacom/Google ruling

While the majority of Gmail users are likely to be individuals, there will be a substantial number of small businesses and other enterprises using the system - in time possibly numbering in the millions within Europe. These organisations are required to fulfil a range of conditions under data protection law. It is our contention that the Gmail service will not allow these requirements to be fulfilled.
 - Simon Davies Privacy International 2004

Given a choice between dancing pigs and security users will pick dancing pigs every time.
 - Ed Felten

DNS cache poisoning is older than Jesus. Why do you think this is special? Sent from my mobile device; please forgive any typos.
 - Randy Bias to TidBITS

I think there's a certain amount of hyperbole going on here.
 - 'ron (apparently)' to TidBITS

Right. This makes sense to me. That's why I'm confused about the headline, which feels fairly melodramatic. I guess it's good fun to bash Apple these days on security.
 - Randy Bias to TidBITS

Still, it's always frustrating, as an old school security practitioner, to see the media blow things out of proportion simply for FUD purposes. Disappointing, but I should be used to it by now.
 - Randy Bias to TidBITS

Google's hypocrisy is breathtaking. Perhaps in Google's world privacy does not exist but in the real world individual privacy is fundamentally important and is being chipped away bit by bit every day by companies like Google.
 - Ken Boehm NLPC

The fact that every American is now subject to this type of scrutiny with the click of a mouse is frightening.
 - Ken Boehm NLPC

Yeah and you're the only race on this planet, fucktard.
 - Brendon C Bleebwart

The average user is nothing but an eggplant with legs, lacking the brains to complain or boycott.
 - Anonymous

That's a no-brainer. Of course it's a violation of international law. That's why it's a covert action. The guy's a terrorist. Go grab his ass.
 - Al Gore

Snow Leopard is going to be the best OS X release ever. Apple is going to get rid of all carbon code, Quicktime is getting a Cocoa overhaul, Safari is getting a new js engine and pass acid 3, we may se ZFS as the standard file system. The system will be optimized for multi-core computing and enterprise deployment. Dashcode will most likely get an overhaul so it integrates with SproutCore, this will be Apples .Net. Xcode will support this new compiler technology. Everything will be faster!!! This release may not have much for consumers, but the devs are all having a nerdgasm.
 - Aron Allen aka 'officerdick'

Good nickname, fuckhead. Fits you. Loves it.
 - Brendon C Bleebwart

I'll see you at the debates, bitches!
 - Paris Hilton

We're going. That's fucked up. And hearing other people say 'you can't do that' - you can only say 'you can't do that' so many times to Matt and me before we're gonna do it. Finally we just had to tell Isaac 'dude we totally love working with you and this is nothing personal, it's just we're South Park and if we don't do this we're belittling everything else we've ripped on'.
 - Trey Parker

Between Apple incompetence, OpenDNS's lesser evilness, Warner, Comcast, the Chinese firewall, and a shitload of other monsters, we are in a pretty tight spot. Voodoo dolls don't work anymore, pessimism drags you down into procrastination, trusting big corporations is like keeping your door unlocked on the Halloween night. What's a decent person to do in these fucked up times?
 - Dali Rău

I come from a wonderful country with wonderful people. But we were living with a system telling us how to live.
 - Nadia Comaneci

It's the Olympics. Pain is irrelevant.
 - Michaela Breeze

Basically I am so sick of 'Bozo' and his third rate rock combo that if I never hear any U2 tune again it will be too soon. And as for having yet another rich little ego twit thinking he can save the world - I have a message: 'grow up and ditch the narcissism thing before you end up like a certain other celeb that is as crazy as you'.
 - Dr K

To be frank I have seen the Macfanboism only in US. US is in particular over-religious place. People get there religious over different things all the time. Apple is literally religious about making good stuff, so some people start following: and it is only logical.
 - 'ThePhilips'

Well it is CNet. They will go to any lengths to dig dirt on any Apple product - even if it means trolling Apple's support forum.
 - 'OhEsTen'

I was driving down Folsom Street in San Francisco and I got a dropped call 10 times. I get dropped calls just standing in one place.
 - Stephen Yarbough

There's a spot on a street in the financial district where I can face east and get 3G but turning west will lose connection for a minute before switching to EDGE.
 - Charles Jade

We believe these issues are typical of an immature chipset and radio protocol stack where we are almost certain Infineon is the 3G supplier.
 - Richard Windsor

As it stands we are currently at the second step in a process of customer service that will be familiar to longtime Mac users.

  1. There is a problem with an Apple product.
  2. Apple won't admit to it.
  3. Someone threatens legal action.
  4. Apple do a recall.

Welcome to the club, iPhone users.
 - Charles Jade

It's painful. I have to set my mind on the phone to think about saving battery life.
 - Kevin Karkada

There are just certain apps you can't build on an iPhone. They don't let you do multiprocess things. They don't let you run apps in the background after you switch from one app to another. You can't interpret things. You can't have interpreted languages in your apps on an iPhone. There's a lot of restrictions.
 - Rich Miner

The security of Mifare Classic is terrible. This is not an exaggeration; it's kindergarten cryptography. Anyone with any security experience would be embarrassed to put his name to the design. NXP attempted to deal with this embarrassment by keeping the design secret.
 - Bruce Schneier

Damage to NXP is not the result of the publication of the article but of the production and sale of a chip that appears to have shortcomings.
 - Dutch court ruling

It's the system that's broken. There's no other industry where shoddy products are sold to a public that expects regular problems, and where consumers are the ones who have to learn how to fix them. If an automobile manufacturer has a problem with a car and issues a recall notice, it's a rare occurrence and a big deal - and you can take you car in and get it fixed for free. Computers are the only mass-market consumer item that pushes this burden onto the consumer, requiring him to have a high level of technical sophistication just to survive. It doesn't have to be this way. It is possible to write quality software. It is possible to sell software products that work properly and don't need to be constantly patched. The problem is it's expensive and time consuming. Software vendors won't do it because the marketplace won't reward it.
 - Bruce Schneier

The patch treadmill doesn't work and hasn't for years. This cycle of finding security holes and rushing to patch them before the bad guys exploit those vulnerabilities is expensive, inefficient, and incomplete. We need to design security into our systems right from the beginning. We need assurance. We need security engineers involved in system design. This process won't prevent every vulnerability, but it's much more secure - and cheaper - than the patch treadmill we're all on now.
 - Bruce Schneier

Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux all require periodic security updates. Get over it.
 - JohnJ

Starting with Java may spoil students from learning how to program well ever again.
 - Brian Kernighan

It doesn't matter what company it is. If consumers are dropping $1200 on a product they should reasonably expect it to work instead of having to take it in for repairs.
 - 'VertiGoGo'

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else there are credit cards.
 - sh0pp0rtal.net

When you build your operating system on the rock solid foundation of Unix you have to make sure you don't move the rocks around too much. And that's not always easy, especially if you're trying desperately to return the system to its former glory when all computers were standalone, manufactured in beige coloured materials, and said 'hello'.
 - The Technological

The reason NASA didn't bother with AV is because there's no pressure on their IT department. In a normal office the IT department usually get screamed at when computers don't work. But in space nobody can hear you scream.
 - 'MrNaz'

I'm annoyed that probably the best speech ever given at a convention is being ignored.
 - 'vintagejulie' on Palin announcement

Governor Palin is a proven reformer who is a wise steward of taxpayer dollars and champion for accountability in government. By selecting a working mother with a track record of getting things done Senator McCain has once again demonstrated his commitment to reforming Washington.
 - George W Bush

I feel a tingle up my spine.
 - Sarah Palin

Can we please stop hearing from the media about how brilliant Karl Rove and Steve Schmidt are?
 - Daily Kos

We should all be proud of Governor Sarah Palin's historic nomination and I congratulate her and Senator McCain. While their policies would take America in the wrong direction Governor Palin will add an important new voice to the debate.
 - Hillary Clinton

It's an absolutely brilliant choice. This will absolutely energise McCain's campaign and energise conservatives.
 - Mathew Staver

Part of it is personal fit.
 - Rick Davis

Obama will not sleep well tonight.
 - Huffington Post

She is the best nonpolitical politician we've seen in a long time. What you see is what you get. She doesn't hide anything.
 - Andy Mitchell

She upset the apple cart. She straightened things out here. She's not afraid a bit. What she thinks is right she's going to do.
 - Lee Sherriff

I feel like she always puts the people first instead of the political process.
 - Andy Mitchell

We're ecstatic! The state like LOVES Sarah Palin!
 - Lisa Cameron

She has that presence of greatness about her. She has that aura.
 - Lisa Cameron

One thing I find myself wondering about is whether we shouldn't try and make the 'ACPi' extensions somehow Windows specific. It seems unfortunate if we do this work and get our partners to do the work and the result is that Linux works great without having to do the work. Maybe there is a way to avoid this problem but it does bother me. Maybe we should define the APIs so that they work well with NT and not the others even if they are open. Or maybe we could patent something related to this.
 - Bill Gates to Jeff Westorinon, Ben Fathi, Carl Stork, Nathan Myhrvold, Eric Rudder 24 January 1999

Fucking amazing.
 - Lenn Pryor Microsoft Vista evangelist on Apple OS X Tiger

I bought the high end creative labs portable player. It was the NOMAD Jukebox Zen Xtra. I have to tell you my experience with our software and this device is really terrible. I expect you already knew this but I had not personally experienced it. Now I spent the time last night really playing with it. My goodness it is terrible. What I don't understand though is that I was told that the new Creative Labs device would be comparable to Apple. That is so not the case.
 - Jim Allchin on 'sucking on media players'

Now you feel our pain. We have been unsuccessful in the past to convince these vendors to open their eyes and accept that there is better software out there than what they ship with these things. Of course some are better than others but none are a match for Apple. For good or bad the message is finally getting through with retailers threatening to sell iPod but we are not waiting for that. Tomorrow we have an entire crew descending on Creative and after that Samsung and Rio to get them motivated to build the 'right' device. We are putting incentives on the table in the form of cash, technical support, direct interface to developers, early access code for 9.1, etc. In other words we are going all out and hoping that at least a few will listen. If none do then it is lime for us to roll up our sleeves and do our own hardware.
 - Amir Majidimehr on 'sucking on media players'

I think I should talk with Jobs. Right now I think I should open up a dialog for support of the iPod. Unless something changes the iPod will drive people away from WMP.
 - Jim Allchin on 'sucking on media players'

In one sudden moment Friday John McCain fundamentally changed American politics in a manner that transcends issues and details.
 - Newt Gringich

Sarah's baby was born. Obama, a reptile, was hatched.
 - 'Mandelay'

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