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The Face of Evil

Don't trust him. He could hurt you. Trust only Microsoft. Only Microsoft is your friend.

Cast your glance carefully at the picture at the right. Don't look too closely: there's a rumour that if you do, and if you look into the eyes, your computer may be turned to stone.

It's a picture of Ilfak Guilfanov, a Russian currently resident in Liege Belgium. Ilfak graduated from Moscow State University in 1987 with a BSc in math. He's the - for all practical purposes - sole author of IDA Pro, the only full debugger available for Windows and a lot of x86 platforms. IDA Pro is to rocket science what rocket science is to Microsoft research.

And while Microsoft mount their thumbs and casually announce they will have a patch for their unforgivable flaw in a week - knock on a Microsoft wooden head - Gospodin Guilfanov has it now.

It's not as if he's trying to get you to trust him - as so many rogue anti-spyware sites do. No, this guy is not only smart, he's smart too: he packages the source code inside the package so you can inspect it and test it yourself.

How can Ilfak know so much? It's rather a question of how Microsoft can know so little. Yet Mister Bill is out of bed and has his knickers on and a few phone calls have been made. One of the people Mister Bill called is pictured at the right below.

This is supposedly the face of one Rob Enderle. Rob has no technical credentials at all but he can sure spin up a storm. Rob is on the payroll of Microsoft and Mister Bill calls him out anytime there's going to be damage to the corporate image.

Of course Microsoft are looking stupider than ever before right now, because goodhearted Ilfak already issued the patch no one in Redmond was competent to work out.

And that makes Mister Bill mad. So he called out Rob Enderle to write a few more columns and confuse things a little bit.

Rob Enderle - as opposed to that evil rebel scum Ilfak - has a face you know you can trust. He looks like he's been embalmed by an apprentice (you should see his wife) and you know for a fact that he's not going to have any ethics or principles at all.

You know every word out of his mouth will be a lie and an attempt to mislead you and help his client Mister Bill.

It's better to stick with what you know than take a chance on what you don't know. Microsoft is your friend - and if you just disconnect from the Internet for a fortnight or so, things will be all right.

Rob Enderle told you so. Don't trust rebel scum.

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