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To a Woman

To a woman who was never allowed to be a woman. By Bassam Al-Baghdady.

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Today I want to honour a woman

Who had her first kick in her mummy's tummy

Who at 3 could no longer play with boys

Who at 5 had to learn to kneel before men

Who at 6 had to choose between veil and school

Whose father, who loved her, would have cut her throat if he found her playing with the boy next door

Who had to defend what others had decided for her and say 'I chose this myself'

She who today walks between her contemporaries dressed in black rags from another time and place

Who can't wear shorts when her father or brothers are home

Who can't pray when she's menstruating

Who can't touch the 'holy book' when she's 'unclean'

She who at times starts feeling 'dirty'

She who must not shower naked in her own home

She who must not have a friend from another religion

She who must lean forward to not make her breasts prominent but who must also lean backward and tense her thighs to not make her buttocks prominent

She has no memories of romance

She has not tasted her first kiss

They never let her be a child

They never let her be an adolescent either

Or a woman

She was raped on her wedding night

So we honour you because you stand your ground

Despite all the hatred

Despite all the violence

Despite everyone ignoring you

You've fought well

You've helped your daughter to a better future, a better life than you could have, when everyone forgot you

Happy Women's Day, my friend

Bassam Al-Baghdady is a poet who translated 'The God Delusion' into arabic. He can be found at his own website (in Swedish).

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