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Panic in Pandemic

Fuck Bill. Don't take unnecessary chances.

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Close your eyes. Imagine it. You're in your friendly commuter airliner. Like you are several days each week. Or used to be. Except now you're in this post-pandemic space-time continuum, and most pilots who fly your airliner and who wanted to keep on flying took that crazy vaccine, whether they thought it was a good idea or not.

You know, right? The vaccine that got footballers dropping on the field, baseball players doing the same, and basketball players collapsing on the court.

This has never happened before. The VAERS curves have been flat-lining for thirty-plus years since the system started. But today the VAERS stats have gone ballistic.

What went wrong? As in 'something went wrong?' An unknown foe - unknown to some. Take a strain from the Far East, note that it has twenty-seven proteins, opt for concentrating on only one of them, pick the spike protein for good measure.

You know, the one that should never be let loose in your bloodstream. It's so abrasive. It can rupture your veins and arteries, give you blood clots, cause myocarditis in young males and yield strange looking offspring in young females.

But vaccines? They always remain in your upper arm, right? Yes, supposedly.

But Pfizer did some tests beforehand. Based on the results of those tests, Pfizer opted not to share their data.

Except Japan demanded that data. Pfizer told no one. And Japan told no one either. Except Canadian professor and researcher Bryam Bridle. He told his colleagues, people like Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, and Steve Kirsch, and he could have told others as well, of course he did, but there was no way that information was going to make it mainstream.

It's been said that Bill Gates sits on a decisive share of Pfizer stock. So much that he can significantly influence or control that corporation's activities and policies. Gates also owns two UK corporations involved in the vaccine approval process.

That's somewhat reminiscent of how Gates, in the good old days, spent several million - chump change to him of course - getting his operating system certified as 'secure'.

Windows? Secure? You must be joking. Dig deeper into the fine print on that certificate and you discover the caveats. The systems tested were assumed to have no removable media (hard drives, thumb drives, and the like) and no Internet connection. Completely air-gapped machines. Given that these tests - these system audits - took place in the New Millennium, how likely was it that your average computing device would not be connected to the Internet?

No matter. Things like that didn't matter to Bill Gates. They never have and they never will. Bill Gates comes from an entitled background. He's privileged. He grew up around Warren Buffett. His parents made sure he got into Harvard. Where he mostly played poker, read Playboy, drank beer, and intentionally did not study, as he and his mates had a game whereby they'd read nothing until the day before exams and then cram all they could and see who came out best.

Bill's life changed when he picked up an issue of Popular Mechanics and read about the Altair. Yes, he'd been down to the computer department, chiefly scavenging trash bins for snippets of good code - he can't have been much of a programmer on his own if the world to this day is not in possession of the name of a single software title actually written by Bill Gates - but now things were getting serious. So he dropped out of Harvard and beelined it to New Mexico, along with his real programmer partner Paul Allen. They got themselves a flat in Albuquerque above a whorehouse, and Bill's father, WHG2, encouraged his son's initiative by buying him a brand new Porsche. Which Bill immediately put through the paces. And got busted by the local heat who didn't understand that laws aren't intended for people like Bill Gates.

Bill and Paul moved to a high-rise office building in downtown Seattle. They specialised in computer language tools. In fact, that's all they did. So when IBM came calling and asked them if they had an operating system for a brand new microcomputer, Bill told them no, he didn't have one, as his company only did computer language tools.

Bill sent IBM down south to meet Gary Kildall. Gary had just what IBM wanted, but his royalty requirement would double the price of the IBM PC, so IBM said no and headed back to Seattle to ask Bill Gates to keep an eye out for a good operating system. Not that Bill's word ever mattered, but he did tell IBM he'd keep an eye out.

Bill looked around. And found, in his area, one Tim Paterson who ran his own company. Seattle Computer Products. Tim had a system he was working on. It'd be compatible with IBM's coming PC, but Bill didn't mention IBM when talking to Tim.

Tim met with Bill and showed him the system he'd been working on. Tim was going to add security features over time, features such as mandatory access control (every file has an owner) and required password-protected login. But Bill didn't want any of that. He offered Tim $50,000 for the code 'as is'.

Tim asked Bill what he intended to do with the system. Bill told Tim that he had a client interested in just such a system, a small-time operator, the name wasn't widely known. Tim accepted Bill's offer and Bill's lie.

Bill turned around and made IBM an offer - and this was a crucial key to the billions Bill would later acquire, as the deal - supposedly with some pull and tug by someone in Bill's family - was for a non-exclusive licence agreement. Meaning IBM got the code but Bill also owned it.

IBM took the deal. Their system became known as PC-DOS. Bill kept his own version, and it became known as MS-DOS.

Neither IBM nor Bill Gates added the security features Tim Paterson had talked about. But when Tim heard about what Bill had done with IBM, he sued Bill. And the matter was settled out of court. With Bill giving Tim a permanent position at Microsoft and an additional $400,000.

The PC never got more secure, but Gary Kildall made a secure version. He called his system DR-DOS, where the 'DR' stood for Digital Research, the name of Gary's company. Gary added the features Tim had been so keen about, and he also added multi-user capabilities. Corporate users of the IBM PC wanted some semblance of security. So when DR-DOS became available, many of them switched over and said goodbye to Bill.

Bill's first successful version of Windows came out in 1990. It took most people by surprise. That was version 3.0. The system had significant improvements in memory management, thanks to Intel's new line of processors, and Bill decided to pull home all his own programmers who'd been working with IBM. (It's not widely known, but IBM co-owned those first successful versions of Windows, even as Microsoft co-owned early versions of IBM's OS/2.)

Back then, Windows computers started up in MS-DOS console mode. One used a command at the command line to launch windows. When one exited Windows, after responding in the affirmative to the prompt 'This will end your Windows session', one found oneself back at the MS-DOS prompt again.

But a lot of the potential Windows customers were no longer running Bill's MS-DOS. They were running Gary Kildall's DR-DOS instead. As Bill envisioned suckering people into buying not one but two products to get Windows, both MS-DOS and Windows itself, Bill didn't like the idea that he'd miss out on half his revenues, so he wrote a brief memo to staff, explaining the situation and asking 'is there something we can do about this?'

Bill's hackers set to work. The result was an infamous piece of software known as the 'AARD Code'. Bill would embed this AARD Code, compressed and encrypted, into Windows' own startup code.

What the hackers wanted to do, of course, was find a way to detect if the user was running Bill's own MS-DOS or that nasty but superior DR-DOS. They searched long and hard, trying to find a difference in how the systems worked at the most basic level.

They found one, in how the two systems initialised data on startup. Bill's MS-DOS was sloppy and DR-DOS was meticulous, performing a proper initialisation. Using this key information, the hackers then went on to design a custom scary 'freeze screen' which would take over the user's computer, warn that they were running an unauthorised version of MS-DOS, and remind the user that Microsoft would not be liable if their computer or data were damaged, as Windows was only to run on authorised versions of MS-DOS sold by Bill Gates.

Someone was ultimately able to unravel that compressed and encrypted code, someone who ended up being offered a job at Microsoft. Surprise, surprise.

Bill's corporate character and his amoral approach became a recurring theme in any discussion of how things in general were deteriorating. Bill got into wars with Borland and WordPerfect, amongst others, and ultimately destroyed them both. Corporation startups were increasingly afraid to be noticed by Microsoft. Bill's standard procedure was to invite people from the startup over for an informal chin-wag, dangle carrots before their eyes, and then, when he knew enough about their products and how to duplicate them, cut them off at the knees and never invite them back again. WordPerfect was once the de facto industry standard for word processing - for all platforms, not just the PC. Bill changed that by betraying them on their cooperation agreements and using the media to smear. As for Borland, Bill had his people develop similar products, and then he pushed Borland out of the market.

Bill Gates revealed in a recent interview that his corporations had earned $200,000,000,000 in the pandemic years 2020-21. Two hundred billion. How much of that accrues to Bill's own pocket isn't known. But he's not poorer for all his supposed 'altruistic' efforts.

To Bill, everything has to be a vaccine. Bill's neither smart nor open-minded. He's just entitled, privileged, and greedy, like all the entitled and privileged people. Bill's been involved in pushing vaccines where vaccines are not needed, where cheap early treatment solutions like India's Ziverdo pack proved to be much more successful, with no side-effects. But Bill can't make money from drugs that are cheap and out of patent. So Bill tries to crush them.

The vaccines don't work. Not as advertised. The VAERS database went bonkers, bursting at the seams. When people asked Bill about the incredible lack of security in Windows, where over 90% of email traffic was attributed to spam generated by his systems, where people lost their life savings thanks to Bill's shambolic products, Bill simply dismissed the matter time and again. There were no significant bugs or shortcomings in his products, even as the world buckled under with the onslaught of attacks son his and only his systems.

(Keep that in mind: although all computer systems can be attacked, no computer systems in history other than Bill's have ever been systematically susceptible. Only Bill's. Yet despite all the protests, Bill did nothing. It was cheaper to spend a few million here and there on spin rather than fix things. Let that sink in.)

Bill came before Justice Thomas Penfield Jackson and the US Department of Justice. Bill had his programmers shift things around so Jackson couldn't remove Internet Explorer without crashing Windows. Bill had employees scour graveyards for names they could put on signature lists to protest the DOJ's treatment of Bill, even going so far as to claim that the DOJ's probes into Bill's activities were a 'threat to national security'.

So. Anyway. Again. You're in your seat on your flight, cruising at 30,000 feet. Your pilots could have taken the Ziverdo medications and been fine today. But they might have been forced to take those dangerous vaccines.

One of the pilots can conk out. At any time. Will the other pilot be able to take over? Or the navigator? Or one of the stewardesses?

Is there a doctor in the house?

Millions of people are vaccine-damaged. You never vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic anyway. And vaccines need years to develop. They have to be tested. They have to wait to see if there are any side-effects. There's 'panic' in 'pandemic', but there didn't need to be. HCQ and especially IVM kill off the virus far more effectively and with no side-effects, after more than forty years and over four billion users.

But Bill didn't want you to know that. Bill injected his own type of 'AARD Code' into the mix to make sure you didn't. Millions of lives already lost, tens of millions more in grave danger going forward. All for the greed of a few people, most notably Bill Gates.

Take a train instead. Not even a bus. Don't go on extended motoring trips without a 'designated driver', where the 'designated driver' is someone who has not been vaccinated. Hopefully, over time, more honest doctors will find a way to detect issues with the vaccine-injured, and find ways to help them, most likely with Ziverdo.

Fuck Bill. Don't take unnecessary chances.

PS. The inheritors of DR-DOS finally sued Bill for his AARD code. He paid them $280 million to settle out of court. How much is Bill going to have to pay for the victims of his sloppy vaccines?

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