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ISENGAARD (Rixstep) — The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) ruled on 5 February 2016 that Julian Assange's detention by Marianne Ny was arbitrary. What is arbitrary in this context?

Arbitrary is:

  • Reopening an investigation without supplying a legally convincing reason
  • Ignoring and refusing to interview a suspect over a period of several weeks
  • Ignoring exculpatory evidence and keeping it hidden from the media and the courts
  • Appointing oneself as 'chief investigator' in a police investigation? (WTF?)
  • Lying to the media (including TIME) about the particulars of the case
  • Giving the UK one version of one's intentions and giving Sweden another version
  • Insisting interviews abroad are illegal when 44 people are simultaneously interviewed
  • Continually redacting your published version of 'history' over time
  • Accepting extralegal advice from the UK Crown Prosecution Service
  • Accepting advice from a US attorney to fill in a form with tick boxes
  • Having no questions ready to ask the suspect after over five years
  • Declaring a media blackout, then giving your sleazeoid tabloid of choice the scoop
  • Declaring you like suspects - already guilty in your eyes - 'locked up' to 'sweat it out'
  • Canceling an arranged interview with your suspect because your favourite policeman has a tummyache
  • Telling your assistant Erika, after months of putting up with your delays, that an interview she scheduled with the suspect a mere two days into the future is 'much too late', then canceling the interview
  • Telling your suspect he can leave the country (as you never had his passport) only to issue a warrant once he's en route to the airport, then keeping the warrant hidden from the police (?)
  • Planning an ambush when your suspect returns, then pleading with him that he'll not be arrested again if he trusts you
  • Dilly-dallying for years, through ridiculous UK court cases, because you're afraid you might lose your case because there's no fucking case to speak of, all the while your suspect wastes away and incurs legal expenses in the millions
  • Being behind the £12 million+ siege of an embassy in London
  • Claiming your suspect is a flight risk when he's always followed the law to the letter
  • Going on holiday right when you've screwed up again and a statute of limitations expires
  • Insisting your suspect be confined to Wandsworth as a 'flight risk' even though he reported voluntarily to the police station
  • Not being content when a supreme court gives your suspect the customary fortnight to pack his bags, but screaming that you want him NOW!
  • Issuing a European Arrest Warrant for a mere interview, something the UK now made illegal specifically because of you
  • Not even trying to do anything until your supreme court came down on you, whereupon you went through the motions - and how long ago is that?
  • Break and '404' all links on your site on the eve of the UNWGAD decision
  • Generally being a chauvinistic ignoramus and causing irreparable damage to your country's reputation
  • Trashing the presumption of innocence, spitting on it, stomping on it, sneering at it
  • Staying in office way past retirement age, long past when your mental faculties began failing you

Arbitrary Quote of the Day

'This is sloppy work... why the rush?'
 - Björn Hurtig

An Arbitrary Reader

See below.

See Also
Assange in Sweden: The Lab Results
Rixstep: Assange in Sweden: The Second Protocol
TIME: Why Sweden Wants Julian Assange Arrested
Rixstep: Swedish Prosecutor: Time to Close the Assange Case
Vimeo: Eva Joly interviewed on Assange on Sweden's TV4 (English subs)
Assange in Sweden: Eva Joly press conference 27 March 2014 - Part one
Assange in Sweden: Eva Joly press conference 27 March 2014 - Part two
Assange in Sweden: Transcript: Eva Joly interviewed by Swedish television

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