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MacSurfer Submission

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There's a reason for this script being online and it's not so you can copy it out to make submissions to MacSurfer yourself. Darren, Phil, and Scott do an enormous job collating thousands of submissions daily and it should come as no surprise they've streamlined their work to reduce the amount of keyboard abuse they have to subject themselves to everyday. If you use this script instead of asking them for their latest script you risk making their lives a lot more troublesome. Never ever use any script for MacSurfer you find online - if you want the script for submissions to MacSurfer write to them and ask them to send you their latest version. Thank you.


  1. Be at direct URL of story to submit
  2. Highlight the title
  3. Run script
  4. Check over auto-generated email, SEND
property senderName : "<YOUR NAME>"
property senderEmail : space & "<your@mail.address>"
property siteName : "<SITE NAME>"
property |quote| : "\""
property MacSurfer1Name : "Phil Pearson"
property macSurfer1Email : "ppearson@technn.com"
property MacSurfer2Name : "Darren Mahaffy"
property MacSurfer2Email : "dmahaffy@macsurfer.com"
property MacSurfer3Name : "Scott Siegling"
property MacSurfer3Email : "ssiegling@macsurfer.com"

tell application "Safari"
    set theURL to URL of document 1 --Safari should be at the page/URL of what you want to submit
    set clipText to (do JavaScript "getSelection()" in document 1) as string --make sure you've highlighted your title in Safari
    --set clipText to (do JavaScript "unescape(getSelection())" in document 1) as string -- for Safari 2.0
    if clipText = "" then --some sites with frames don't allow for the JavaScript above, so copying is the fix
        tell application "Safari" to activate
        tell application "System Events"
            tell process "Safari"
                keystroke "c" using {command down}
                delay 0.5
                set clipText to the clipboard
            end tell
        end tell
    end if
end tell

set clipText to fix(clipText) -- parse out leading/trailing space, return

tell application "Mail"

    --set sig to signature "your signature" --if you want to add your signature, remove the "--" at beginning of line
    --set sig_content to content of sig --also look for the & sig_content below and remove the "--"

    --    • •    Please Do Not Modify The Following Section    • •    --
    set msg to make new outgoing message
    tell msg
        make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:MacSurfer1Name, address:macSurfer1Email}
        make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:MacSurfer2Name, address:MacSurfer2Email}
        make new cc recipient with properties {name:MacSurfer3Name, address:MacSurfer3Email}
        set sender to senderName & senderEmail
        set subject to |quote| & clipText & |quote| -- or something else that is descriptive
        set content to "Article submission ...." & return & return ¬
            & "<LI>" & |quote| & clipText & |quote| & return & "<A HREF=" & |quote| & theURL & |quote| & ">" & siteName & "</A>" & return & "<BR>" & return & return & "----"
        --& sig_content -- if you want to add your signature, remove the "--" before the ampersand (&)
        tell content of msg
            set the size to 11
            set the font to "Verdana"
            set the color of every paragraph to {0, 0, 0}
        end tell
        set visible to true
    end tell
end tell
--This script was written by Darren Mahaffy (dmahaffy@macsufer.com), Managing Editor of MacSurfer. Feel free to modify for your use except for the areas marked "Please Do Not Modify".

--Please Do Not Modify Handler Below--
on fix(clipText) --parse out leading spaces, non-space spaces, return
        set n to count characters in clipText
        if character 1 of clipText = " " or character 1 of clipText = " " or character 1 of clipText = return then
            set clipText to characters 2 through n of clipText
            set clipText to clipText as text
            exit repeat
        end if
    end repeat
    --parse out trailing returns, spaces, non-space spaces
        set n to count characters in clipText
        if last character of clipText = return or last character of clipText = " " or last character of clipText = " " then
            set clipText to characters 1 through (n - 1) of clipText
            set clipText to clipText as text
            exit repeat
        end if
    end repeat
    return clipText
end fix
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