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Heinrich Bin Zurück

Great pic someone made of Henrik Pontén. Bad German grammar but who cares?

Google Art

These be the application icons of teh Google. They're OK but now compare with those used by teh Apple. Ouch.

Most Secure OS?

A recent poll at ithreats. Gee who won?

Albert Gonzales

Gonzales worked with HACKER 1 and HACKER 2 to steal 130 million credit accounts from the impenetrable Heartland Payment Systems. Level of difficultly? Probably about the same as Gary McKinnon encountered.

Facebook Ripoff

Absolutely incredible what that little shit Sugarhill can get away with. You can send your friends tiny image files and you have to pay for it. Of course you could just download the images and attach them to a mail message but that would be intelligent.

Google Incognito

A new way of browsing. But it might not be enough. Make sure you don't have those pesky spies around anymore and make sure nobody's standing behind you.

Some Like It Hot

Don't burn yourself on your smartphone.

All Sharing is ILLEGAL

Brought to you courtesy John Kennedy's IFPI. Kennedy is of course the boob who testified at the trial of TPB. He was asked in cross by Per Samuelsson if he understood how BitTorrent technology worked. 'Only vaguely' was the clown's revealing answer. The picture below is from a tooltip for a program they have to help people weed illegal files off their computers and networks. Sharing isn't caring anymore.


A blowup of a Microsoft 'OK' pushbutton. Amazing how sophisticated MS graphics haven't become over the years.

Safari Bug Fix

Safari 4 actually truly really took care of some really embarrassing legacy bugs. Such as the failure to tell Cocoa services 'NO YOU CAN'T EDIT HTML PAGES'. Things like the ACP Text Services are namely not supposed to work in read-only views. Except they did with Safari. For years. Better late than never even if it's really really really really late.

Spotify Bug No Fix

The otherwise impeccable Spotify has a bug going back a few updates (perhaps longer). Instances of NSTextView have their contextual menu left on but it's totally useless - and has been known to cause the odd crash when used. 'Spelling', 'font', and 'writing direction', applicable only with editable views, are enabled. And the NSTextView instances try to respond, resulting in some really weird stuff.

Top Twitter Publishing Tools

From sysomos.com. Unsurprisingly 'web' is still the most popular tool: not only is it more accessible but it's also got more of the features people really need - something all Twitter clients are lacking. The cross-platform CPU guzzling TweetDeck comes a distant second.

You're a Tool

Possibly found at Urban Dictionary. A shining example of a picture worth more than a thousand words.

Unix Chart

Good summary of Unix systems. All that intelligence, all that heritage and people are still typing 'C:\Program Files'.

'A Popular Email Client'

Symantec just can't resist the urge to make fools out of themselves. 'The fraudsters are constantly coming up with innovative ways to deceive innocent users of the Internet. Symantec recently observed an increase in phishing attacks facilitated by spam email messages that are targeted towards a popular email client application', they wrote on their security blog and then offered this screen dump without once saying the name. MS ActiveVoldemort. And you gotta love that 'innocent users of the Internet' - no one using Microsoft software on the Internet is innocent. They're guilty of criminal negligence and congenital stupidity.

Which Way?

Windows users can stare at a road sign like this for hours and not figure out what to do.

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