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ACP Web Services

The world is ever changing, and the Internet is ever changing too. More and more the net is becoming the world's best ever virtual library, with new reference services popping up all the time. It's only been a few years since AltaVista led the pack and Babelfish was the premiere translation service.

Now Google is number one in both categories - but there are new contenders such as Teoma and the cluster engine at Vivísimo popping up all the time.

OS X comes with the excellent Sherlock - 'Web services for the rest of us' - but unfortunately you need to wait until Apple make a 'channel data' update before you can avail yourself of new services - and you can never get more than what Apple give you anyway (and you need hefty downloads kept on disk).

With ACP Web Services all that changes. ACP Web Servies is a free product that enhances your 'Services' menu and lets you configure, edit and add new services all the time.

As more and more new websites pop up and offer search capabilities, you simply add them to your ACP Web Services and you can access your data from any program running on your local computer: text fields, text files, HTML documents - anywhere you can select (highlight) text.

ACP Web Services comes with 46 (FORTY-SIX) pre-configured web services ready to do your web searching for you.

[The coming release will up that tally to over 150 (one hundred fifty) - click here.]

ACP Web Services also come with the ACP Service Manager for configuring your services and adding new services as they arise.

There are no further downloads. No 'bin hex' 'channel data' plugins are added to your hard drive in stealth. And ACP Web Services have a lean and mean disk footprint typical of Rixstep.

Wander on over and get your copy of ACP Web Services today. And happy searching.

ACP Web Services in the AppleCore Project Gallery >>

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