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Li-Meng Yan

And why are her paper and Zheng-Shi Li so important?

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We've been busy. We've worked on software updates of course. But we've spent a lot of time trying to share information about the pandemic.

The story of Li-Meng Yan is something that must be shared. Li-Meng Yan was part of the 'inner circle' of scientists at the epicentre. She's fled to the US.

You should absolutely download her paper immediately and share the link with everyone.


There's not that much new in this report. This has been the conclusion of scientists for months.

What Li-Meng Yan gives us is her special access to data we didn't have. She also gives us her skills and expertise in analysing the data as few others can.

Li-Meng Yan's paper is impressive.

What's so special about Li-Meng Yan's paper?

On the surface there doesn't appear to be much that's new. That the Corona virus is hard to imagine as evolving in nature is something scientists have understood for months. What Li-Meng Yan has provided is 'inside information' based on her unique position in the community in which she worked. This information corroborates what others have speculated and does so at an impressive level of detail. Li-Meng Yan then goes on to explain why this virus must have been mutated specifically to attack humans. But even this is not news per se - Zheng-Shi Li's group at the Wuhan laboratory were openly working on such mutations. They fall under so-called 'gain of function' research, something conscionable scientists classify is biowarfare. The initial part of the Wuhan project began in 2013, and it resumed in 2017. This is all common and open knowledge.

It's also common and open knowledge where Wuhan got the funding. FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Phase One of the Wuhan project was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health. The grant was for $3.7 million. The project was green-lighted under the Obama administration. But scientists in the US got word of this and their protests were loud, so the Obama administration halted the project.

Donald Trump entered the Oval Office in 2017. Shortly afterward, he was approached by Anthony Fauci. Trump signed off on Phase Two of the Wuhan project. Another $3.7 million was sent to Wuhan.

But what's ultimately interesting about Li-Meng Yan's paper is not the paper itself but the fact that there's no mention in the MSM in the US about the connection between the NIH and Wuhan. That even Tucker Carlson should express astonishment is an indication of just how thoroughly people have been brainwashed.

VIJAYA GADDE and Jack Dorsey signed off on permanently banning Li-Meng Yan from Twitter after only three tweets. That should tell you something. Instagram did the same, and that should also tell you something.

The story of Li-Meng Yan is important because it gives us additional information about the nature of the Corona virus and because getting people and the MSM to discuss this can ultimately force the MSM to bring the connection to Fauci and the NIH to people's attention.

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