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Borgström & Bellman

The Swedish judicial system in a nutshell. Incisive analysis from Flashback's 'outoftheblue'.

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As Quick's lawyer, Borgström didn't bother making any appeals. It was another matter with Anna and Sofia. Their cases had to be appealed, dammit! He spared nothing in that regard.

Quick got help from Thomas Olsson to appeal. On 28 May 2010, Eve Finné dropped the charges against Quick in the first case. Borgström should have been overcome with joy, but Finné's decision brought him back into the spotlight when his (lack of) work as a defence attorney was again criticised. For Borgström never tried to defend his client. Finné's closing that first case made Borgström look very bad.

Three months later, Finné closes the case of one of Borgström's new clients: Sofia Wilén. And it's probably out of revenge for what had happened earlier that Borgström wants to get the investigation reopened - and get Finné called into question too. Finné - and currently Assange lawyer Olsson - worked together to clean up the mess in the Quick case that Borgström had left behind. It was vital for Borgström to convince his clients that they were rape victims - he told them they couldn't themselves determine if they'd been molested!

Borgström was all over Finné in the media. He complained that she was too occupied with other cases, she didn't get things done fast enough. Borgström wanted her replaced. But how much of this was concern for his clients? He didn't even try to defend Quick, and he never tried to get Marianne Ny to hurry things up, after all those years. Borgström's clients were stuck in a drawn-out preliminary investigation, just as his former client was stuck in a mental hospital, drugged into oblivion, babbling incoherent details of bizarre murders that he never could have committed. Borgström doesn't care about his clients. They can stew in stir as long as they're serving his best interests. He doesn't care about their future. Maybe if he could stop drinking, he'd be able to assess things again in a sober light, but why would he do that? A drugged-out client and an alcoholic attorney - the Swedish judicial system in a nutshell. Anna and Sofia didn't think they're worth better.

A curious parallel is that even Quick was brainwashed into thinking he was the victim of sexual molestation, and that all those bestial murders could be explained in that way. Perhaps this is something of a red thread through Borgström's career, namely that people don't themselves know they're the victims of sex crimes - but Borgström does? Someone might be able to dig into that.

Borgström can sure argue like a lawyer. But sound critical thinking? Nope. One needs an Olsson or a Finné for that. Borgström would rather take another drink.

Tycker du at grafven är för djup, nå välan så tag dig då en sup, tag dig sen dito en, dito två, dito tre, så dör du nöjdare!

See Also
Wikipedia: Carl Michael Bellman
Bellman.net: N:o 21: Fredmans Sång

Red Hat Diaries: Borgström & Quick
Red Hat Diaries: The Claes Borgström Interview
Industry Watch: Borgström Digs Ditch Deeper Still
Red Hat Diaries: Julian Assange & Claes Borgström
Red Hat Diaries: Quick: My Final Chat with Borgström
Industry Watch: Claes Borgström - Defence Attorney?
Industry Watch: Claes Borgström: 'I feel deeply violated'
Industry Watch: Assange in Sweden: Claes Borgström's Bill
Industry Watch: Claes Borgström Skews Assange Investigation
Industry Watch: Desperate attempt by Borgström, Lambertz to save reputation

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