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A collection - and explanation - of the OS X defaults in CLIX.

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Users on other platforms wish they had it so good: the NeXTSTEP/OS X defaults system. It's the perfect way to get modular fine tuned settings for every user with no risk of conflicts.

Settings on Windows

Windows users are constantly plagued by the hodgepodge of confusion on that platform: settings are found in 'INI files' and in obscure places in the 'Registry'. And the Registry is an unfathomable mess which also constitutes a systematic Achilles heel: it's binary and complete gobbledegook unless the user dares trying a 'Registry editor'.

And even then it's a 'no go' for most people. Built on the same principles as Multics, Windows today wants to 'broadcast' the existence of support modules, and this results in a Registry even a seasoned admin will think twice about using.

And there's no 'save or not save' with the Windows Registry: all changes are immediate and there is no 'undo'. Make a mistake and you're screwed - and your system might not boot next time either.

But unbelievably enough it gets worse, for file associations are stored in the Registry on a per machine basis - not on a per user basis. Which of course leads to inevitable recurring conflicts.

Instead of uprooting the danged thing and doing it right, Microsoft instead choose to create a special 'Documents and Settings' folder which is supposed to contain user specific settings. Good luck.

Settings on Linux

Instead of following a good example, many Linux distributions use a sycophantic copy of the Microsoft 'INI file' system.

The 'INI file' system is like the OS X defaults system with all the good stuff ripped out: there is no hierarchy and data can only be stored as text - meaning 'raw' (binary) data cannot be stored and for that matter developers have to roll their own code to store numerical values.

Settings on OS X

In contrast the system used on OS X is a breath of fresh air - like Harrison Ford emerging into the sunlight at the end of the studio cut of Bladerunner. The system is immediately elegant, simple, and powerful.

OS X settings - the 'defaults' - happen in one or more so-called 'domains'. The domains are inspected in a strict order. Settings found in subsequent domains override those found previously.

SystemThese are defaults maintained by the local operating system. They're read first.
NetworkThese are defaults found in the local network. They're read next.
LocalThese are defaults found in /Library/Preferences. They're read next.
UserThese are defaults found in the user's ~/Library/Preferences. They're read next.
Command LineThese are defaults submitted when launching an application. They're the last instance of 'override'.

Note that the above means you can mostly override any application's default settings by changing them on the command line.

Defaults & Cocoa

Native OS X (Cocoa) applications 'register' their settings on startup, usually through their controlling code class and before any instance of that class has been created. They're registered with the Cocoa NSUserDefaults class which accompanies every Cocoa application.

These become the settings that can subsequently be overridden: they're the 'factory defaults'. As the application initialises, NSUserDefaults will start to look around for overrides - and most often will find them in the user's own preferences directory ~/Library/Preferences. If a preferences file for the application is not found, NSUserDefaults will revert to those previously registered as 'factory defaults'.

When the application finally initialises, it will query NSUserDefaults to get the settings the user wants.

It is thus possible - and even desirable - to alter the default behaviour of software by accessing their preferences files. And even if the syntax of OS X preferences files - so called 'property list files' - is rather easy and straightforward, there is another way to do it: the NeXTSTEP command 'defaults'.

The three most common defaults commands are the following.

defaults read   [-g] <target> <key>
defaults delete [-g] <target> <key>
defaults write  [-g] <target> <key>

Where 'target' is a 'bundle identifier' such as 'com.rixstep.CLIX'. Which normally will mean accessing a file with the name com.rixstep.CLIX.plist. The file extension plist is short for 'property list'.

Property Lists

Before delving into the 'defaults' command it can be good to look at bit at property list files themselves.

Property list files for OS X (as opposed to NeXTSTEP) are in XML format. XML - extended markup language - is a simple way to define 'keys' and 'values'. That is, for any one given key - or setting - establish a corresponding value.


Finder might want to know if it's to show so called hidden files; it checks for the existence of the key 'AppleShowAllFiles' and if found and if its value is non-zero, it shows them. Otherwise it reverts to its default which is to not show them.

[In terms of boolean (logical) values, anything non-zero is 'yes' or true and zero is 'no' or false.]

Property lists do not only have boolean yes/no values - and that's their beauty: they can contain almost anything and they can also 'nest' almost anything.


The above key 'Subscriptions' has an array (a series of items) as its value. But inside this array is a series of 'dictionaries' - in effect further nested key/value pairs. For each of the keys found in the dictionary there is a corresponding (character) string.

Property lists can contain arrays, boolean values, calendar dates, further dictionaries, floating point numbers, integer numbers, character strings, and 'raw data'.


It is the ability of property lists to store 'raw' (binary) data which makes them so powerful: keeping to a text format and yet still allowing any kind of data whatsoever to be stored.

The List

Following is the list of current CLIX defaults commands - and then some. Defaults commands are normally grouped in threes: a command to turn a flag on, a command to turn the flag off, and a command to read its current setting.

CLIX commands revert to 'factory defaults' not by changing the value of a flag but by removing the key/value pair entirely.

Some commands will work on all OS X releases; some will work only on one or two; the list is still far from exhaustive.


Settings in this category are found in the .GlobalPreferences files in both /Library/Preferences and ~/Library/Preferences. As their names imply, these are 'global' rather than application specific settings.

You can read all your '.Global' preferences by running the following two commands from Terminal or CLIX.

defaults read /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences
defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences

AM/PM Designationshow AM/PM designationdefaults read -g NSAMPMDesignation
Antialiasing Thresholdshow antialiasing thresholddefaults read -g AppleAntiAliasingThreshold
Beep Feedback Offturn beep feedback offdefaults write -g com.apple.sound.beep.feedback -int 0;
killall Finder
Beep Feedback Onturn beep feedback ondefaults write -g com.apple.sound.beep.feedback -int 1;
killall Finder
Beep Feedback Readread beep feedback flagdefaults read -g com.apple.sound.beep.feedback
Beep Feedback Restorerestore default beep feedbackdefaults delete -g com.apple.sound.beep.feedback;
killall Finder
Beep Soundshow path to default beep sounddefaults read -g com.apple.sound.beep.sound
Colour Variant Aquaset color variant to Aquadefaults write -g AppleAquaColorVariant -int 1;
killall Finder
Colour Variant Graphiteset color variant to graphitedefaults write -g AppleAquaColorVariant -int 6;
killall Finder
Colour Variant Readread color variantdefaults read -g AppleAquaColorVariant
Currency Symbolread currency symboldefaults read -g NSCurrencySymbol
Date Formatshow date formatdefaults read -g NSDateFormatString
Decimal Separatorshow decimal separatordefaults read -g NSDecimalSeparator
Ignore Typing Filtershow ignore typing filterdefaults read -g com.apple.mouse.ignoreTypingFilter
Languagesshow preferred languages in order of preferencedefaults read -g AppleLanguages
Month Namesshow month namesdefaults read -g NSMonthNameArray
Other Highlight Colorshow other highlight colourdefaults read -g AppleOtherHighlightColor
Scroll Bar DoubleBothuse scroll bar variant DoubleBothdefaults write -g AppleScrollBarVariant -string DoubleBoth;
killall Finder
Scroll Bar DoubleMaxuse scroll bar variant DoubleMaxdefaults write -g AppleScrollBarVariant -string DoubleMax;
killall Finder
Scroll Bar DoubleMinuse scroll bar variant DoubleMindefaults write -g AppleScrollBarVariant -string DoubleMin;
killall Finder
Scroll Bar Readread scroll bar variantdefaults read -g AppleScrollBarVariant
Scroll Bar Singleuse scroll bar variant Singledefaults write -g AppleScrollBarVariant -string Single;
killall Finder
Short Date Formatshow short date formatdefaults read -g NSShortDateFormatString
Short Month Namesshow short month namesdefaults read -g NSShortMonthNameArray
Short Weekdaysshow short weekdaysdefaults read -g NSShortWeekDayNameArray
Show All Extensions Offturn off extensions in Finder and file dialogsdefaults delete -g AppleShowAllExtensions;
killall Finder
Show All Extensions Onturn on extensions in Finder and file dialogsdefaults write -g AppleShowAllExtensions -bool YES;
killall Finder
Show All Extensions Readread current extensions flagdefaults read -g AppleShowAllExtensions
Spell Server Languageshow preferred spell server languagedefaults read -g NSPreferredSpellServerLanguage
Spell Server Vendorsshow preferred spell server vendorsdefaults read -g NSPreferredSpellServerVendors
Time Formatshow time formatdefaults read -g NSTimeFormatString
Weekdaysshow weekdaysdefaults read -g NSWeekDayNameArray

Address Book

Note the final command in this block: 'Me'. Reading defaults for 'AddressBookMe' will in effect access the file AddressBookMe.plist in one of the preferences directories.

Bluetooth Autodetect Onturn on bluetooth detectdefaults write com.apple.AddressBook ABCheckForPhoneNextTime -bool YES
Bluetooth Autodetect Restorerestore default bluetooth detect behaviourdefaults delete com.apple.AddressBook ABCheckForPhoneNextTime
Debug Menu Offdon't show debug menudefaults delete com.apple.addressbook ABShowDebugMenu
Debug Menu Onshow debug menudefaults write com.apple.addressbook ABShowDebugMenu -bool YES
Debug Menu Readread debug menu flagdefaults read com.apple.addressbook ABShowDebugMenu
Meshow info on 'me' accountdefaults read AddressBookMe


A selection of an extensive collection of 'clean/purge' commands in CLIX. These three use the 'defaults' command. (Most do not.)

AppleRecentFolders Cleanclean global recent foldersdefaults delete -g AppleRecentFolders
File Panel Prefs Readread file panel preferences (if they exist)defaults read -g NSWindow\ Frame\ NXOpenPanel;
defaults read -g NSWindow\ Frame\ NXSavePanel
Finder Cleanclean finder preferencesdefaults delete com.apple.finder ClipboardWindowBounds;
defaults delete com.apple.finder CopyProgressWindowLocation;
defaults delete com.apple.finder recent-folders


These three commands govern the behaviour of CLIX with respect to the ManOpen application.

ManOpen Enableenable ManOpendefaults write com.rixstep.CLIX MO 1
ManOpen Readread ManOpen settingdefaults read com.rixstep.CLIX MO
ManOpen Restorerestore default ManOpen settingdefaults delete com.rixstep.CLIX MO

Crash Reporter

Three commands which determine the behaviour of the system crash reporter. Default behaviour is to begin with the 'unexpected quit' dialog - 'gee this was really unexpected and nothing's been harmed'. You can either stick with it or not.

Unexpected Quit Bypassbypass Unexpected Quit dialog (show submit screen)defaults write com.apple.CrashReporter DialogType crashreport
Unexpected Quit Defaultturn on default Unexpected Quit dialogdefaults delete com.apple.CrashReporter DialogType
Unexpected Quit Offturn off Unexpected Quit dialogdefaults write com.apple.CrashReporter DialogType none


Turning the Dashboard widget engine on and off.

Dashboard Disabledisable Dashboarddefaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -bool YES
Dashboard Readshow Dashboard statusdefaults read com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled
Dashboard Restorerestore default Dashboard behaviourdefaults delete com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled


Use these to control your desktop settings.

Close View Offturn off desktop magnifier with ⌥⌘-/+defaults delete com.apple.universalaccess closeViewDriver
Close View Onturn on desktop magnifier with ⌥⌘-/+defaults write com.apple.universalaccess closeViewDriver -bool YES
Drag Delayshow drag delaydefaults read -g NSDragAndDropTextDelay
Drag Delay 100set drag delay to 100 millisecondsdefaults write -g NSDragAndDropTextDelay -int 100
Drag Delay Disabledisable drag (set delay to negative value)defaults write -g NSDragAndDropTextDelay -int -1
Drag Delay Restorerestore default drag delaydefaults delete -g NSDragAndDropTextDelay
Recents Limitshow recent documents limitdefaults read -g NSRecentDocumentsLimit
Recents Limit 0set recent documents limit to 0defaults write -g NSRecentDocumentsLimit -int 0
Recents Limit 10set recent documents limit to 10defaults write -g NSRecentDocumentsLimit -int 10
System UI Servershow UI server menuletsdefaults read com.apple.systemuiserver

Disk Copy

These three commands toggle 'expert mode' and read the current value.

Expert Mode Offturn off expert mode in Disk Copydefaults delete com.apple.diskcopy expert-mode
Expert Mode Onturn on expert mode in Disk Copydefaults write com.apple.diskcopy expert-mode -bool YES
Expert Mode Readread Disk Copy expert mode flagdefaults read com.apple.diskcopy expert-mode

Disk Images

These commands control image verification and how 'Internet enabled' DMG files are treated - default is to toss them into the Trash.

Disk Image Verify Offskip disk image verificationdefaults write com.apple.frameworks.diskimages skip-verify true
Disk Image Verify Onenable disk image verificationdefaults delete com.apple.frameworks.diskimages skip-verify
Internet Enabled Offstop special treatment of Internet enabled disk imagesdefaults write com.apple.frameworks.diskimages skip-idme true
Internet Enabled Onenable special treatment of Internet enabled disk imagesdefaults delete com.apple.frameworks.diskimages skip-idme

Disk Utility

Toggle the verify burn flag and read its current setting.

Verify Burn Offturn off verify after burndefaults write com.apple.DiskUtility DRBurnOptionsVerifyBurn -bool NO
Verify Burn Onturn on verify after burndefaults delete com.apple.DiskUtility DRBurnOptionsVerifyBurn
Verify Burn Readread verify after burn flagdefaults read com.apple.DiskUtility DRBurnOptionsVerifyBurn


There are a lot more things you can do with your dock than you'd think. Some commands require you restart the program ('killall').

Autohide Offturn hiding offdefaults delete com.apple.dock autohide;
killall Dock
Autohide Onturn hiding ondefaults write com.apple.dock autohide -bool YES;
killall Dock
Autohide Readread hiding flagdefaults read com.apple.dock autohide
Large Size Readread icon large sizedefaults read com.apple.dock largesize
Launch Animation Offturn launch animation offdefaults write com.apple.dock launchanim -bool NO;
killall Dock
Launch Animation Onturn launch animation ondefaults write com.apple.dock launchanim -bool YES;
killall Dock
Launch Animation Readread launch animation flagdefaults read com.apple.dock launchanim
Launch Animation Restorerestore default launch animation flagdefaults delete com.apple.dock launchanim;
killall Dock
Magnification Offturn off Dock magnificationdefaults delete com.apple.dock magnification;
killall Dock
Magnification Onturn on Dock magnificationdefaults write com.apple.dock magnification -bool YES;
killall Dock
Magnification Readread magnification flagdefaults read com.apple.dock magnification
Mineffect Defaultuse default mineffectdefaults delete com.apple.dock mineffect;
killall Dock
Mineffect Genieuse Genie mineffectdefaults write com.apple.dock mineffect -string genie;
killall Dock
Mineffect Readread mineffect valuedefaults read com.apple.dock mineffect
Mineffect Scaleuse Scale mineffectdefaults write com.apple.dock mineffect -string scale;
killall Dock
Mineffect Suckuse Suck mineffectdefaults write com.apple.dock mineffect -string suck;
killall Dock
Modification Countread dock modification countdefaults read com.apple.dock mod-count
Orientation Bottomput Dock at bottom of desktopdefaults write com.apple.dock orientation -string bottom;
killall Dock
Orientation Leftput Dock at left of desktopdefaults write com.apple.dock orientation -string left;
killall Dock
Orientation Readread orientation valuedefaults read com.apple.dock orientation
Orientation Rightput Dock at right of desktopdefaults write com.apple.dock orientation -string right;
killall Dock
Orientation Topput Dock on top of desktopdefaults write com.apple.dock orientation -string top;
killall Dock
Persistent Appsread persistent Dock apps in placement order (Finder assumed)defaults read com.apple.dock persistent-apps | grep "file-label" | sed ``/"\"file-label\" = "/s///'' | sed ``/\;
/s///'' | sed ``/\"/s///'' | sed ``/\"/s///'' | sed ``/" "/s///''
Persistent Apps Pathsread persistent dock apps paths in placement order (Finder assumed)defaults read com.apple.dock persistent-apps | grep _CFURLString\" | sed s/\"\;
// | sed s/" \"_CFURLString\" = \""//
Persistent Apps Paths Sortedread persistent dock apps paths sorted alphabetically (Finder assumed)defaults read com.apple.dock persistent-apps | grep _CFURLString\" | sed s/\"\;
// | sed s/" \"_CFURLString\" = \""// | sort
Persistent Apps Sortedread persistent Dock apps sorted alphabetically (Finder assumed)defaults read com.apple.dock persistent-apps | grep "file-label" | sed ``/"\"file-label\" = "/s///'' | sed ``/\;
/s///'' | sed ``/\"/s///'' | sed ``/\"/s///'' | sed ``/" "/s///'' | sort
Persistent Othersshow persistent others on dockdefaults read com.apple.dock persistent-others
Pinning Endpin Dock at end of its sidedefaults write com.apple.dock pinning -string end;
killall Dock
Pinning Middlepin Dock in middle of its sidedefaults delete com.apple.dock pinning;
killall Dock
Pinning Readread pinning valuedefaults read com.apple.dock pinning
Pinning Startpin Dock at start of its sidedefaults write com.apple.dock pinning -string start;
killall Dock
QuitFinder Offdon't show Quit item on Finder's Dock menudefaults delete com.apple.dock QuitFinder;
killall Dock
QuitFinder Onshow Quit item on Finder's Dock menudefaults write com.apple.dock QuitFinder -bool YES;
killall Dock
QuitFinder Readread Quit Finder flagdefaults read com.apple.dock QuitFinder
Shadow Offdon't show shadow in Dockdefaults delete com.apple.dock showshadow;
killall Dock
Shadow Onshow shadow in Dockdefaults write com.apple.dock showshadow -bool YES;
killall Dock
Shadow Readread shadow flagdefaults read com.apple.dock showshadow
Show All Files Offdon't show all files in Dockdefaults delete com.apple.dock AppleShowAllFiles;
killall Dock
Show All Files Onshow all files in Dockdefaults write com.apple.dock AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES;
killall Dock
Show All Files Readread show all files flagdefaults read com.apple.dock AppleShowAllFiles
Show Hidden Offdon't show hidden files in Dockdefaults delete com.apple.dock showhidden;
killall Dock
Show Hidden Onshow hidden files in Dockdefaults write com.apple.dock showhidden -bool YES;
killall Dock
Show Hidden Readread hidden files flagdefaults read com.apple.dock showhidden
Tile Sizeshow tile sizedefaults read com.apple.dock tilesize
Trash Full Offset trash to emptydefaults write com.apple.dock trash-full -bool NO;
killall Dock
Trash Full Onset trash to fulldefaults write com.apple.dock trash-full -bool YES;
killall Dock
Trash Full Readshow trash full statusdefaults read com.apple.dock trash-full

DVD Player

Flip the debug toggle and read its current setting.

DVD Player Debug Offdisable debug menudefaults delete com.apple.dvdplayer EnableDebugging
DVD Player Debug Onenable debug menudefaults write com.apple.dvdplayer EnableDebugging -bool YES
DVD Player Debug Readread debug menu flagdefaults read com.apple.dvdplayer EnableDebugging


Exposé Blob Offdisable Exposé blobdefaults write com.apple.dock wvous-floater -bool NO;
killall Dock
Exposé Blob Onenable Exposé blobdefaults write com.apple.dock wvous-floater -bool YES;
killall Dock
Exposé Blob Readread Exposé blob flagdefaults read com.apple.dock wvous-floater
Exposé Corners Offremove semicircles in Exposé cornersdefaults write com.apple.dock wvous-showcorners -bool NO;
killall Dock
Exposé Corners Onshow semicircles in Exposé cornersdefaults write com.apple.dock wvous-showcorners -bool YES;
killall Dock
Exposé Corners Readread current show corners flagdefaults read com.apple.dock wvous-showcorners
Show Desktop Window Offshow ordinary desktopdefaults write com.apple.dock wvous-olddesktop -bool YES;
killall Dock
Show Desktop Window Onshows desktop in a minimised windowdefaults write com.apple.dock wvous-olddesktop -bool NO;
killall Dock
Show Desktop Window Readread current show desktop window flagdefaults read com.apple.dock wvous-olddesktop


Some commands require you restart the program ('killall').

Animate Info Panes Offturn info pane animation offdefaults delete com.apple.finder AnimateInfoPanes;
killall Finder
Animate Info Panes Onturn info pane animation ondefaults write com.apple.finder AnimateInfoPanes -bool YES;
killall Finder
Animate Info Panes Readread info pane animation flagdefaults read com.apple.finder AnimateInfoPanes
Animate Window Zoom Offturn window zoom animation offdefaults delete com.apple.finder AnimateWindowZoom;
killall Finder
Animate Window Zoom Onturn info pane animation ondefaults write com.apple.finder AnimateWindowZoom -bool YES;
killall Finder
Animate Window Zoom Readread window zoom animation flagdefaults read com.apple.finder AnimateWindowZoom
Disable Animationsturn animations offdefaults write com.apple.finder DisableAllAnimations -bool YES;
killall Finder
Enable Animationsturn animations ondefaults delete com.apple.finder DisableAllAnimations;
killall Finder
Finder Quit Offturn Finder Quit menu item offdefaults delete com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem;
killall Finder
Finder Quit Onturn Finder Quit menu item ondefaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem -bool YES;
killall Finder
Finder Quit Readread Finder Quit menu item flagdefaults read com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem
Max Label Lines 1set maximum label lines to 1defaults write com.apple.finder MaximumLabelLines -int 1;
killall Finder
Max Label Lines 1set maximum label lines to 1defaults write com.apple.finder MaximumLabelLines -integer 1;
killall Finder
Max Label Lines 2set maximum label lines to 2defaults write com.apple.finder MaximumLabelLines -integer 2;
killall Finder
Max Label Lines 2set maximum label lines to 2defaults write com.apple.finder MaximumLabelLines -int 2;
killall Finder
Max Label Lines 3set maximum label lines to 3defaults write com.apple.finder MaximumLabelLines -int 3;
killall Finder
Max Label Lines 3set maximum label lines to 3defaults write com.apple.finder MaximumLabelLines -integer 3;
killall Finder
Max Label Lines Defaultset maximum label lines to defaultdefaults delete com.apple.finder MaximumLabelLines;
killall Finder
Max Label Lines Readread maximum label lines valuedefaults read com.apple.finder MaximumLabelLines
Prohibit Burn Offallow burning mediadefaults delete com.apple.finder ProhibitBurn;
killall Finder
Prohibit Burn Onprohibit burning mediadefaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitBurn -bool YES;
killall Finder
Prohibit Connect To Offallow use of 'Connect To'defaults delete com.apple.finder ProhibitConnectTo;
killall Finder
Prohibit Connect To Onprohibit use of 'Connect To'defaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitConnectTo -bool YES;
killall Finder
Prohibit Eject Offallow use of 'Eject'defaults delete com.apple.finder ProhibitEject;
killall Finder
Prohibit Eject Onprohibit use of 'Eject'defaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitEject -bool YES;
killall Finder
Prohibit Empty Trash Offallow emptying trashdefaults delete com.apple.finder ProhibitEmptyTrash;
killall Finder
Prohibit Empty Trash Onprohibit emptying trashdefaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitEmptyTrash -bool YES;
killall Finder
Prohibit Goto Folder Offallow use of 'Goto Folder'defaults delete com.apple.finder ProhibitGoToFolder;
killall Finder
Prohibit Goto Folder Onprohibit 'Goto Folder'defaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitGoToFolder -bool YES;
killall Finder
Prohibit Goto iDisk Offallow access to iDiskdefaults delete com.apple.finder ProhibitGoToiDisk;
killall Finder
Prohibit Goto iDisk Onprohibit access to iDiskdefaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitGoToiDisk -bool YES;
killall Finder
Prohibit Preferences Offallow use of preferencesdefaults delete com.apple.finder ProhibitFinderPreferences;
killall Finder
Prohibit Preferences Onprohibit use of preferencesdefaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitFinderPreferences -bool YES;
killall Finder
Show All Files Offdon't show all files in Finderdefaults delete com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles;
killall Finder
Show All Files Onshow all files in Finderdefaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES;
killall Finder
Show All Files Readread show all files flagdefaults read com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles
Zoom Rects Offdon't use zoom rects in Finderdefaults delete com.apple.finder ZoomRects;
killall Finder
Zoom Rects Onuse zoom rects in Finderdefaults write com.apple.finder ZoomRects -bool YES;
killall Finder
Zoom Rects Readread zoom rects flagdefaults read com.apple.finder ZoomRects

HI Toolbox

HI (human interface) Toolbox settings are stores in the file com.apple.HIToolbox.plist in /Library/Preferences.

Command Option Spaceshow status of cmd-option-space toggledefaults read com.apple.HIToolbox AppleCommandOptionSpace
Date Ordershow system date orderdefaults read com.apple.HIToolbox AppleDateOrder
Itlc General Flagsshow system itlc general flagsdefaults read com.apple.HIToolbox AppleItlcGenFlags
Short Date Formatshow system short date formatdefaults read com.apple.HIToolbox AppleShortDateFormat
Short Date Separatorshow system short date separatordefaults read com.apple.HIToolbox AppleShortDateSeparator
Time Cycleshow system time cycledefaults read com.apple.HIToolbox AppleTimeCycle


Adjust the user idle timeout and read its current setting.

User Idle Timeoutset user idle timeout (seconds)defaults write com.apple.ichatagent UserIdleTimeout 600
User Idle Timeout Readshow user idle timeout (seconds)defaults read com.apple.ichatagent UserIdleTimeout
User Idle Timeout Restoreset default user idle timeoutdefaults delete com.apple.ichatagent UserIdleTimeout


Configuration URLshow URL for iDisk configurationdefaults read com.apple.internetpref configurationURL


Local Info Defaultmake click default to show local infodefaults write com.apple.iTunes invertStoreLinks -bool YES
Local Info Restorerestore default click local info click actiondefaults delete com.apple.iTunes invertStoreLinks
Modify iTunes Link Arrowsarrows jump to librarydefaults write com.apple.iTunes invertStoreLinks -boolean YES
Modify iTunes Link Arrowsarrows jump to ITMSdefaults write com.apple.iTunes invertStoreLinks -boolean NO

Login Window

These commands access the file loginwindow.plist in ~/Library/Preferences. Not to be confused with com.apple.loginwindow.plist in /Library/Preferences.

Autolaunched Application Dictionaryshow autolaunched application dictionarydefaults read loginwindow AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary
Build Version Stamp Numbershow build version stamp as numberdefaults read loginwindow BuildVersionStampAsNumber
Build Version Stamp Stringshow build version stamp as stringdefaults read loginwindow BuildVersionStampAsString
System Version Stamp Numbershow system version stamp as numberdefaults read loginwindow SystemVersionStampAsNumber
System Version Stamp Stringshow system version stamp as stringdefaults read loginwindow SystemVersionStampAsString


The first of these commands is especially useful if you have a hopeless friend who 1) cannot abandon Windows; 2) cannot abandon Outlook; and 3) cannot figure out how to send civilised plain text mail.

Minimum HTML Font Sizeset minimum HTML font sizedefaults write com.apple.mail MinimumHTMLFontSize 14
Prefer Plain Text Onforce Mail to only display plain textdefaults write com.apple.mail PreferPlainText -bool YES
Prefer Plain Text Readread Prefer Plain Text settingdefaults read com.apple.mail PreferPlainText
Prefer Plain Text Restorerestore Prefer Plain Text defaultdefaults delete com.apple.mail PreferPlainText

Menu Bar Clock

You can read all settings at once by running 'defaults read com.apple.MenuBarClock' from Terminal or CLIX. For that matter, you can do the same for any application or property list file.

Append AMPMread appending 'AM' and 'PM' statusdefaults read com.apple.MenuBarClock AppendAMPM
Digital Clockread digital clock statusdefaults read com.apple.MenuBarClock ClockDigital
Display Secondsread seconds display statusdefaults read com.apple.MenuBarClock DisplaySeconds
Enabledread status of menu bar clockdefaults read com.apple.MenuBarClock ClockEnabled
Flash Separatorsread flash separators statusdefaults read com.apple.MenuBarClock FlashSeparators
Preferences Versionread preferences versiondefaults read com.apple.MenuBarClock PreferencesVersion
Show Dayread day display statusdefaults read com.apple.MenuBarClock ShowDay


Be sure to use the first command if you're connected to a network; be sure to use the fourth command regardless.

.DS_Stores Offturn off writing .DS_Stores in networkdefaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool YES
.DS_Stores Onturn on writing .DS_Stores in networkdefaults delete com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores
Firewall Disabledisable firewalldefaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.sharing.firewall state -bool NO
Firewall Enableenable firewalldefaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.sharing.firewall state -bool YES
Firewall Statusshow firewall statusdefaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.sharing.firewall state


You can read all of Safari's settings by running 'defaults read com.apple.Safari' from Terminal or CLIX. But it's a long list.

Accept Cookies Alwaysset Safari to always accept cookiesdefaults write com.apple.WebFoundation WebAcceptCookies always
Accept Cookies Currentset Safari to only accept cookies from your current pagedefaults write com.apple.WebFoundation WebAcceptCookies current\ page
Accept Cookies Neverset Safari to never accept cookiesdefaults write com.apple.WebFoundation WebAcceptCookies never
Accept Cookies Readread Safari's accept cookies policydefaults read com.apple.WebFoundation WebAcceptCookies
Accept Cookies Restorerestore accept cookies toggledefaults delete com.apple.WebFoundation WebAcceptCookies
Always Show Tabs Offturn off always showing tab bardefaults write com.apple.Safari AlwaysShowTabBar -bool NO
Always Show Tabs Onturn on always showing tab bardefaults write com.apple.Safari AlwaysShowTabBar -bool YES
Always Show Tabs Readread status of always showing tab bardefaults read com.apple.Safari AlwaysShowTabBar
Always Show Tabs Restorerestore default status of always showing tab bardefaults delete com.apple.Safari AlwaysShowTabBar
Antialias Smooth Fonts Defaultsrestore antialiasing and smooth font defaultsdefaults delete com.apple.Safari AppleAntiAliasingThreshold;
defaults delete com.apple.Safari AppleSmoothFontsSizeThreshold
Antialias Smooth Fonts Highset antialiasing and smooth font values highdefaults write com.apple.Safari AppleAntiAliasingThreshold -int 8;
defaults write com.apple.Safari AppleSmoothFontsSizeThreshold -int 8
Antialias Smooth Fonts Highset antialiasing and smooth font values highdefaults write com.apple.Safari AppleAntiAliasingThreshold -integer 8;
defaults write com.apple.Safari AppleSmoothFontsSizeThreshold -integer 8
Antialias Smooth Fonts Lowset antialiasing and smooth font values lowdefaults write com.apple.Safari AppleAntiAliasingThreshold -int 2;
defaults write com.apple.Safari AppleSmoothFontsSizeThreshold -int 2
Antialias Smooth Fonts Lowset antialiasing and smooth font values lowdefaults write com.apple.Safari AppleAntiAliasingThreshold -integer 2;
defaults write com.apple.Safari AppleSmoothFontsSizeThreshold -integer 2
Antialias Smooth Fonts Readread antialiasing and smooth font settings (if they exist)defaults read com.apple.Safari AppleAntiAliasingThreshold;
defaults read com.apple.Safari AppleSmoothFontsSizeThreshold
Autoopen Offturn off automatically opening 'safe' downloads (VERY SMART)defaults write com.apple.Safari AutoOpenSafeDownloads -bool NO
Autoopen Onturn on automatically opening 'safe' downloads (REALLY DUMB)defaults write com.apple.Safari AutoOpenSafeDownloads -bool YES
Autoopen Readread status of automatically opening 'safe' downloadsdefaults read com.apple.Safari AutoOpenSafeDownloads
Autoopen Restorerestore default status of automatically opening 'safe' downloadsdefaults delete com.apple.Safari AutoOpenSafeDownloads
Bookmarks Dateread bookmarks datedefaults read com.apple.Safari BuiltInBookmarksDate
Bookmarks Tagread bookmarks tagdefaults read com.apple.Safari BuiltInBookmarksTag
Default Open Directoryread default open directorydefaults read com.apple.Safari NSDefaultOpenDirectory
Externs In Existing Offturn off opening external links in existing windowdefaults write com.apple.Safari OpenExternalLinksInExistingWindow -bool NO
Externs In Existing Onturn on opening external links in existing windowdefaults write com.apple.Safari OpenExternalLinksInExistingWindow -bool YES
Externs In Existing Readread toggle of opening external links in existing windowdefaults read com.apple.Safari OpenExternalLinksInExistingWindow
Externs In Existing Restorerestore default behaviour for opening external links in existing windowdefaults delete com.apple.Safari OpenExternalLinksInExistingWindow
Google Offremove Google from address bardefaults write com.apple.Safari AddressBarIncludesGoogle -bool NO
Google Onput Google on address bardefaults write com.apple.Safari AddressBarIncludesGoogle -bool YES
Google Readread status of Google in address bardefaults read com.apple.Safari AddressBarIncludesGoogle
Google Restorerestore default status of Google in address bardefaults delete com.apple.Safari AddressBarIncludesGoogle
IE Favorites Imported Offflag IE favorites not importeddefaults write com.apple.Safari IEFavoritesWereImported -bool NO
IE Favorites Imported Onflag IE favorites importeddefaults write com.apple.Safari IEFavoritesWereImported -bool YES
IE Favorites Imported Readread IE favorites were imported flagdefaults read com.apple.Safari IEFavoritesWereImported
IE Favorites Imported Restorerestore default IE favorites imported flagdefaults delete com.apple.Safari IEFavoritesWereImported
Include Debug Menu Offdon't show debug menudefaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu -bool NO
Include Debug Menu Onshow debug menudefaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu -bool YES
Include Debug Menu Readread debug menu flagdefaults read com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu
Include Debug Menu Restorerestore default debug menu statusdefaults delete com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu
Initial Timed Delay Minimiseminimise Safari initial timed delaydefaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0.000001
Initial Timed Delay Readread Safari initial timed delaydefaults read com.apple.Safari WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay
Initial Timed Delay Restorerestore Safari initial timed delaydefaults delete com.apple.Safari WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay
Java Offturn off Javadefaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitJavaEnabled -bool NO
Java Onturn on Javadefaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitJavaEnabled -bool YES
Java Readread status of Javadefaults read com.apple.Safari WebKitJavaEnabled
Java Restorerestore default Java statusdefaults delete com.apple.Safari WebKitJavaEnabled
JavaScript Offturn off JavaScriptdefaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitJavaScriptEnabled -bool NO
JavaScript Onturn on JavaScriptdefaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitJavaScriptEnabled -bool YES
JavaScript Readread status of JavaScriptdefaults read com.apple.Safari WebKitJavaScriptEnabled
JavaScript Restorerestore default JavaScript statusdefaults delete com.apple.Safari WebKitJavaScriptEnabled
Last Version Runread last version rundefaults read com.apple.Safari LastVersionRun
N/M Favorites Imported Offflag Netscape/Mozilla favorites not importeddefaults write com.apple.Safari NetscapeAndMozillaFavoritesWereImported -bool NO
N/M Favorites Imported Onflag Netscape/Mozilla favorites importeddefaults write com.apple.Safari NetscapeAndMozillaFavoritesWereImported -bool YES
N/M Favorites Imported Readread Netscape/Moz favorites imported flagdefaults read com.apple.Safari NetscapeAndMozillaFavoritesWereImported
N/M Favorites Imported Restorerestore default Netscape/Mozilla favorites imported flagdefaults delete com.apple.Safari NetscapeAndMozillaFavoritesWereImported
Plugins Offturn off pluginsdefaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitPluginsEnabled -bool NO
Plugins Onturn on pluginsdefaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitPluginsEnabled -bool YES
Plugins Readread status of pluginsdefaults read com.apple.Safari WebKitPluginsEnabled
Plugins Restorerestore default plugins statusdefaults delete com.apple.Safari WebKitPluginsEnabled
Recent Menu Limit 10limit number of recent menu items to 10defaults write RecentHistoryMenuItemsLimit 10
Recent Menu Limit Readlimit number of recent menu itemsdefaults read RecentHistoryMenuItemsLimit
Recent Menu Limit Restorelimit number of recent menu itemsdefaults delete RecentHistoryMenuItemsLimit
Recent Searchesshow recent search stringsdefaults read com.apple.safari RecentSearchStrings
Recent Searches Cleanclean recent search stringsdefaults delete com.apple.safari RecentSearchStrings
Report Bug Onshow 'Report Bug' in address bardefaults write com.apple.Safari AddressBarIncludesReportBug -bool YES
Report Bug Readread status of 'Report Bug' in address bardefaults read com.apple.Safari AddressBarIncludesReportBug
Report Bug Restorerestore default status of 'Report Bug' in address bardefaults delete com.apple.Safari AddressBarIncludesReportBug
Spell Checking Offturn off spell checkingdefaults write com.apple.Safari WebContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled -bool NO
Spell Checking Onturn on spell checkingdefaults write com.apple.Safari WebContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled -bool YES
Spell Checking Readshow spell checking statusdefaults read com.apple.Safari WebContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled
Spell Checking Restorerestore default spell checking statusdefaults delete com.apple.Safari WebContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled
Status Bar Offtoggle status bar offdefaults write com.apple.Safari ShowStatusBar -bool NO
Status Bar Ontoggle status bar ondefaults write com.apple.Safari ShowStatusBar -bool YES
Status Bar Readread toggle of status bardefaults read com.apple.Safari ShowStatusBar
Status Bar Restorerestore default toggle of status bardefaults delete com.apple.Safari ShowStatusBar
Tabbed Browsing Offturn off tabbed browsingdefaults write com.apple.Safari TabbedBrowsing -bool NO
Tabbed Browsing Onturn on tabbed browsingdefaults write com.apple.Safari TabbedBrowsing -bool YES
Tabbed Browsing Readread tabbed browsing statusdefaults read com.apple.Safari TabbedBrowsing
Tabbed Browsing Restorerestore tabbed browsing defaultdefaults delete com.apple.Safari TabbedBrowsing
WebKit History Limit 25set history entry limit to 25defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitHistoryItemLimit 25
WebKit History Limit Readread history entry limitdefaults read com.apple.Safari WebKitHistoryItemLimit
WebKit History Limit Restorerestore history entry limitdefaults delete com.apple.Safari WebKitHistoryItemLimit
WebKit Minimum Fixed Fontset fixed font minimum sizedefaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitMinimumFixedFontSize 10
WebKit Minimum Fixed Font Readread fixed font minimum sizedefaults read com.apple.Safari WebKitMinimumFixedFontSize
WebKit Minimum Fixed Font Restorerestore fixed font minimum sizedefaults delete com.apple.Safari WebKitMinimumFixedFontSize
WebKit Minimum Fontset font minimum sizedefaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitMinimumFontSize 10
WebKit Minimum Font Readread font minimum sizedefaults read com.apple.Safari WebKitMinimumFontSize
WebKit Minimum Font Restorerestore font minimum sizedefaults delete com.apple.Safari WebKitMinimumFontSize
Window Frame Readread window framedefaults read com.apple.Safari NSWindow\ Frame\ BrowserWindowFrame
Window Frame Restorerestore default window framedefaults delete com.apple.Safari NSWindow\ Frame\ BrowserWindowFrame


So called 'drive by downloads' should be turned off in all possible cases. Check your setting and adjust accordingly. Complement the firewall commands by inspecting your firewall rules by running 'sudo ipfw list' from Terminal or CLIX.

Drive By Downloads Offstop Safari drive by downloadsdefaults write com.apple.Safari AutoOpenSafeDownloads -bool NO;
defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari AutoOpenSafeDownloads -bool NO
Drive By Downloads Readread Safari drive by downloads setting (should be 0)defaults read com.apple.Safari AutoOpenSafeDownloads
Drive By Downloads Read Globalread global Safari drive by downloads setting (should be 0)defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari AutoOpenSafeDownloads
Firewall All Readread firewall settingsdefaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.sharing.firewall
Firewall Allports Readread firewall settingsdefaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.sharing.firewall allports
Firewall Config Readread firewall settingsdefaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.sharing.firewall firewall
Firewall State Readread firewall state (if firewall is on)defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.sharing.firewall state


The fourth command in effect lists all the property list files in your own preferences directory. The fifth command lists file assocations. The sixth command lists all your 'user' defaults. It'll run for a while!

Battery Show Percentshow setting for battery menu extradefaults read com.apple.menuextra.battery ShowPercent
Battery Show Timeshow setting for battery menu extradefaults read com.apple.menuextra.battery ShowTime
Default Keychainshow info on default keychaindefaults read com.apple.security DefaultKeychain
defaults Domainsshow all defaults domains in home areadefaults domains | sed y/" "/"\n"/ | sed s/' '//
defaults Launch Servicesshow launch services defaultsdefaults read com.apple.LaunchServices | grep -v LSBundleLocator
defaults Usershow defaults for current userdefaults read -g;
defaults read | grep -v LSBundleLocator
Desktop Backgroundread details on desktop backgrounddefaults read com.apple.desktop Background | grep -v ImageFileAlias
DLDB Search Listshow info on DLDB search listdefaults read com.apple.security DLDBSearchList
Finder Pathshow path to default 'Finder'defaults read com.apple.loginwindow Finder
Menu Extrasread UI server menulet extrasdefaults read com.apple.systemuiserver menuExtras
Recent Appsshow applications on recent items listdefaults read com.apple.recentitems apps
Recent Docsshow documents on recent items listdefaults read com.apple.recentitems docs
Securityshow defaults in com.apple.securitydefaults read com.apple.security
Window Resize Time Readshow window resize timedefaults read -g NSWindowResizeTime
Window Resize Time Restorerestore default window resize timedefaults delete -g NSWindowResizeTime
Window Resize Time Slowrestore default window resize timedefaults write -g NSWindowResizeTime 2


A few command line tricks for the command line.

Focus Follow Mouse Onmake focus follow the mousedefaults write com.apple.terminal FocusFollowsMouse -string YES
Focus Follow Mouse Readread focus statusdefaults read com.apple.terminal FocusFollowsMouse
Focus Follow Mouse Restorerestore normal focusdefaults delete com.apple.terminal FocusFollowsMouse
Opaqueness Readread opaquenessdefaults read com.apple.Terminal TerminalOpaqueness
Opaqueness Restorerestore default opaquenessdefaults delete com.apple.Terminal TerminalOpaqueness
Opaqueness Lowset low opaquenessdefaults write com.apple.Terminal TerminalOpaqueness 0.2
Opaqueness Mediumset medium opaquenessdefaults write com.apple.Terminal TerminalOpaqueness 0.7
Option Click Cursor Offdisable option click cursor movedefaults delete com.apple.Terminal OptionClickToMoveCursor
Option Click Cursor Onenable option click cursor movedefaults write com.apple.Terminal OptionClickToMoveCursor -bool YES
Option Click Cursor Readread option click cursor toggledefaults read com.apple.Terminal OptionClickToMoveCursor

User Keys

NeXTSTEP/Cocoa 'user key equivalents' override anything in your system, directly binding a menu text string with a keyboard shortcut. Note that user key equivalents are 'universal' - they pertain to all applications.

Cmd-Commaset ⌘, (cmd-comma) as shortcut for 'Preferences...'defaults write -g NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Preferences..." "@\U002C"
Ctrl-Cmd-Quitset ⌃⌘Q (ctrl-cmd-Q) as shortcut for 'Quit Safari'defaults write -g NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Quit Safari" "^@Q"
Ctrl-Shift-Option-Cmd-Deleteset ⌃⇧⌥⌘⌫ (ctrl-shift-option-cmd-delete) as shortcut for 'Delete'defaults write -g NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Delete" "^$~@\U0008"
Key Equivalentsread key equivalentsdefaults read -g NSUserKeyEquivalents
Key Equivalents Removedelete all key equivalentsdefaults delete -g NSUserKeyEquivalents
Option-Cmd-Quitset ⌥⌘Q (option-cmd-Q) as shortcut for 'Quit Safari'defaults write -g NSUserKeyEquivalents "Quit Safari" "~@Q"
Shift-Cmd-Quitset ⇧⌘Q (shift-cmd-Q) as shortcut for 'Quit Safari'defaults write -g NSUserKeyEquivalents "Quit Safari" "$@Q"


A member of the ACP, Xshelf is soon to be released as a standalone application.

Autohide Onturn Xshelf autohide ondefaults write com.rixstep.Xshelf Autohide -bool YES
Autohide Readread Xshelf autohide behaviourdefaults read com.rixstep.Xshelf Autohide
Autohide Restorerestore default Xshelf autohide behaviourdefaults delete com.rixstep.Xshelf Autohide
Level Floatset Xshelf to floatdefaults write com.rixstep.Xshelf Level -integer 3
Level Readread Xshelf window leveldefaults read com.rixstep.Xshelf Level
Level Restorerestore default Xshelf leveldefaults delete com.rixstep.Xshelf Level
Status Onturn Xshelf status (menulet display) ondefaults write com.rixstep.Xshelf Status -bool YES
Status Readread Xshelf status (menulet) behaviourdefaults read com.rixstep.Xshelf Status
Status Restorerestore default Xshelf status (menulet display) behaviourdefaults delete com.rixstep.Xshelf Status

See Also
CLIX - The #1 Power Tool for OS X

CLIX 1.7d
CLIX Manpage
CLIX 1.7.2(a) 'Ilgaz'
CLIX 1.7.2d 'pk' — Explosive Action!
CLIX 1.7.2e 'lipo'
CLIX 1.7.2f 'f'

Cookie Tin Tips I
Cookie Tin Tips II
Cookie Tin Tips III
Cookie Tin Tips IV
Cookie Tin Tips V

Cool Clever Stuff with CLIX
Cool Clever Stuff with CLIX II
Cool Clever Stuff with CLIX III

/Library FAQ
'If you can't type - click.'
The Zero Time Stamp Timeout

Cocktail Shaker
CocktailTE: Arsenic & Other Laces
CocktailJE & CocktailPE

CLIX, CSV, DSV, ESR & the Meaning of Life

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